MMA expert Mr. Dutch FARINAS our WKF SWITZERLAND president


WKF SWITZERLAND has a very busy president.

Mr. Dutch FARINAS is MMA expert and founder of ”MMA association Switzerland”.

He is also technical director of “World Krav Maga federation” of Switzerland.

Furthermore he is Karate 4th DAN black belt in Shotokan Karate.

In Solothurn he is running his famous Gym “Martial Sports Science Academy” with many Champions in various martial arts styles and Kick boxing.


First big action are the team fights vs. its neighbor country Austria. In the City Solothurn and re-match in Austria spring 2023.

Either in Innsbruck, Wels or Korneuburg!

WKF EUROPE continental federation is very happy to have such expert as our new friend in our team.


WKF GERMANY president get many new fighters and promoter !

WKF GERMANY president and supervisor Roman LOGISCH

WKF GERMANY president Mr. Roman LOGISCH report:

More and more German teams, clubs and officials are interested and send their request for membership in WKF GERMANY. 

After the successfully last World championships in Buenos Aires many German Clubs and local small federations want to become “part of the German team” in Cairo for the upcoming historic World Championships on October 18th to 24th, 2021. First time ever on the African continent!

For new membership in WKF GERMANY and for further requests about WKF in Germany send your e-mail in Deutsch, English or “На Русском языке” to Mr. Roman Logisch.


Became our friend of WKF GERMANY in facebook.

Full information about WKF amateur division is here !

More and more Champions, managers and promoters in Germany are interested in our WKF and want to get a chance to fight for WKF sanctioned titles.

Many people are disappointed in Germany from fake “World federations”, just existing in internet only or in perhaps 3 European countries. No value, no events, no service, no real World ranking !

More and more promoter and top organiser in Germany want to cooperate with WKF, because:

WKF – We are the real global player”

German Champion Belt

Many tough WKF European Champions are ready to Challenge US fighters at home in USA !

WKF EUROPE head office ask for the following publication

for team WKF USA


In the past many US guys fought in Europe vs. local or European Champions for WKF titles, in MMA and K-1 style as well as in Muay Thai!  With less success, because very often their fighter profile was incorrect.

Just Heavyweight Mike SHEPPARD from Palestine beat the Russian Champion in Moscow by KO! Mike fought also in Australia for the IKF  heavy weight World title and beat Robert WILESMITH badly by Knock-out!

Honor and respect, Mike !!!

WKF Kickboxing World title belt – where are tough US fighters ???

In the world outside USA real pro have 50 and more ring sport amateur fights, before the move on to real professional ring sport.

NO fighter with e.g. just 10 fights get a chance to fight for WKF pro titles, and NO old guy with 35 Years plus. This is outside USA impossible.

Please note – e.g.Russian Champions start as juniors and when they became 20 Years old, they can have more than 100 (!) fights. Real international fights in ring sport, we are not talking about tatami point fighting!

ANDWKF- World Kickboxing Federation – is a world wide sanctioning body on 6 continents in more than 140 countries.

Not a private promoter company, select or decide who and where, which champions fight for their own XYZ company titles !

AND – federal state vs. federal state World title has absolute NO VALUE outside USA !

Read more here …

WKF MMA World title belt – where are tough US fighters ???

WKF Latin America continental director Mr. Carlos SUAREZ from Buenos Aires

WKF continental director Mr. Carlos SUAREZ

On the WKF World congress in Buenos Aires we had on request of few member countries a change in our Board of directors.

Our WKF Latin America continental director is Mr. Carlos SUAREZ from Buenos Aires. Mr. Suarez is one of 6 Vice-presidents in WKF World federation and has an important vote and voice, to represent all LAC matters . Very soon he will bring strong Latin American Champions on many WKF events World wide.

Mr. Suarez is long time in our business, well know as serious promoter in Latin America.

All promoters, fighters, managers are invited to contact Mr. Suarez in Buenos Aires by mail, for further cooperation in WKF World wide. 

„Nadie es más fuerte que todos nosotros juntos.“

Desde hoy comenzamos un nuevo camino innovaremos para hacer crecer WKF en América Latina y les propongo que trabajemos en Equipo. Pero trabajar implica compromiso, implica que podamos contar unos con otros, implica el poder superar diferencias y tirar todos hacia un mismo lado. 

Aquí no hay nada mágico, nada va a caer del cielo, ni saldrán conejos de la galera, tenemos que lograrlo con esfuerzo y trabajo, unidos por un fin y con un objetivo.

Les propongo una América latina Unida, les propongo innovar con nuevos conceptos, abrir la mente y crear „EN EQUIPO“ lo impensado. Les pido que se sumen, que apoyen, se que podemos hacerlo, se que vamos a trabajar en equipo para que así sea.

Algunos ya lo sabían, otros tal vez lo escucharon, les quiero contar que me enorgullece formar parte del Directorio de WKF ya que fui nombrado en la ultimo reunión de presidentes en Buenos Aires Director para Latinoamerica. Desde el 1ro de diciembre comenzare en el cargo con una propuesta innovadora para la Región. Gracias por la confianza a todos los Directores continentales (Europa, Asia, África, Medio Oriente, Australia y Norte América) y todos los que apoyan desde Sudamérica por su voto que me permite ocupar el cargo.Vamos a revolucionar el deporte, con trabajo, nivelando para arriba, América unida bajo la bandera del deporte de contacto!!

WKF we are the real global player !!!

„Nadie es más fuerte que todos nosotros juntos.“


Director WKF

América latina & Caribe

World referee seminar 2022 in Wels, Austria


WKF AUSTRIA  president Mrs. Tanja HELML is the host of the next WKF World referee seminar 2022 on October  21st to 23rd. Venue is the amazing 4 star Plaza Hotel Wels.

This is the perfect weekend, just before the European Championships 2022 in Wels, Austria. After more than 10 Years our World referee seminar takes place in Austria again.

We got already many requests from our male / female referees and officials from 6 continents and we hope everybody who would need Visa start in time with Visa procedure.

Invitation is here !

Registration deadline October 7th!

full invitation is here

For details about the World seminar, Visa invitations, any requests about airport transfer and more contact our organizing team Mrs. Tanja HELML

Our update WKF licensed referee list is here ! Many photos of our international WKF referees here ! All rule books in 4 languages and more free to down load here !

All International WKF referees, who not has attended the last seminars in Buenos Aires 2018 , Baia Mare 2019 or Cairo 2021 must extend their license 2022 in Austria.

The extended license is valid for three Years again.

Many photos from all WKF seminars since 2011 are here in the gallery!

Next World referee seminar in autumn 2023 before the upcoming European Championships

Please note:

without valid WKF license you are not qualified for WKF events

Our WKF tournament registration is ONLINE !

Mr. Fritz EXENBERGER, WKF World president / CEO

Welcome in 2022 !

Since three Years WKF technical committee work in the background with our new amazing registration program.

use google standard browser

Now, in time for the upcoming European Championships in Austria, October 24th to 29th, we are officially launching our registration program again.

ONLY ON REQUEST by  E-mail, all European presidents of our WKF family will receive their personal access and password.

Thus only the presidents can register, change or delete their participants for the European Championship 2022. Of course you can also see the already registered participants.

But as I said – only the country presidents!

The link to the registration program can be found here

Full invitation is HERE