WKF CHINA confirmed for Cairo 2021

WKF CHINA president Mr. YAN Dinan, and WKF SANDA and WUSHU World president

WKF CHINA main office is in Chengdu, capital of Szechuan province.

Mr. YAN Dinan is our high respected president of WKF in China, as well as for our SANDA & WUSHU World division.

WKF CHINA – International

Important masters from many provinces in China attended our WKF in China zone.

Now WKF has so many high class experts for Sanda and Wushu in the World wide family.


World Championships 2022

We expect a huge team by the next World Championships 2021 in Cairo, Egypt, October 18th – 24th.

WKF CHINA president Mr. YAN Dinan is our very active and busy SANDA & WUSHU division World president !

We are very happy to have Mr. YAN as our member in our board of directors !

Sifu YAN is the promoter of the World Championships 2022 in China !!!


Welcome to Cairo 2021


已经有近百场赛事活动被迫延期或取消。经WKF 世界自由搏击联合会总部研究决定,原定于2020年10月19日至26日在埃及开罗举行的“WKF


原定于2021年10月18日至23日在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行的“WKF欧洲自由搏击锦标赛”将延期半年,暂定于2022年5  月在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行,比赛具体日期另行通知。原定于2022年10月16日至22日在中国海南省海口市举行的“WKF世界自由搏击锦标赛”时间不变,一切将按照原定计划筹备推进。

希望WKF世界自由搏击联合会中国区各会员单位、理事单位、训练基地做好新冠疫情防控措施、积极复工复训,为即将到来的“WKF  埃及世锦赛”和“WKF中国世锦赛”做好参赛准备、

For any request in membership in China, for Sanda and Wushu send him just your request by mail in Mandarin (普通話) or English language.

Beside the last official meeting, Mr. YAN organized first international WKF referee seminar. More than 60 officials from many provinces attend this high class seminar.  List of all licensed WKF referee World wide is here, more than 100 top class photos already in the gallery.

Read more about WKF CHINA !!!

First Female MMA World title fight 2015 in Chengdu, China